Welcome to The Church Mouse!

Register now for the 2024-2025 school year!

The Church Mouse Nursery School, located in The First Baptist Church of Ballston Spa, was founded in 1969, and has been a ministry to the children of our community for over 50 years.  Christian values are emphasized throughout the program.  We offer structured classes which are designed for both social and academic benefit.

Our goal is to nurture individual personalities while preparing children for the kindergarten experience.

Get information on Our Programs and read about Our Curriculum.  Meet our teachers and read about what other parents have to say about the Church Mouse!


To schedule a tour of our school, please call 518-885-8362 between the hours of 9 and 12pm Monday through Friday, and ask for the director, Christina Weiss or office administrator, Jennie MacDonald.  All denominations are welcome.

Registration is open now for the 2024-2025 school year Registration Form – 2024-25.doc  Classes are in session September through June. Enrollments are accepted throughout the school year provided space is available.